Monday, July 29, 2013

Review Event Best: 7th ANSARA PreRamadan Blood Donation (2013)

How was my ANSARA PreRamadan Blood Donation Event?

It was excellent!!!!

Seronok sangat dapat berkhidmat as volunteer seperti tahun-tahun yang lalu....

This was my 4th year involvement...

Yang seronok kali nie adalah:

1. Seperti biasa, my beloved hubby dapat join me and this time he pledged as organ donor....!!! Tapi aku rasa sedih gak sebab bukan aku yang convince him to pledge... But it's ok, at least dia dah ikrar...

2. My brother join me as volunteer...!! Dah penat aku ajak before nie... But akhirnya dia nak join because his best friend yang beria ajak dia join.... So, next year, in shaa Allah dah ade successor volunteers... Hehehehe..... Yeay!!!!

3. There was involvement of students from PBSM MRSM Pontian.... Hey, it was fun to work with them!!!!

4. My lovely daughter, Arissa, pun join as youngest volunteer.... I had to train her from now... Kena pupuk semangat membuat kerja-kerja kebajikan.....

I should thank my mum for her support... Ibu banyak membantu aku bagi menjayakan voluntary work aku selama ini.... Ibu yang menjaga anak-anak aku sewaktu aku sibuk dengan persediaan dan kerja-kerja event ini.... Plus, Ibu jugak la yang memupuk semangat aku untuk membuat kerja2 charity... In shaa Allah, one day aku nak buat banyak lagi kerja-kerja charity and hope my mum could join too....

Ok.... Jom usha gambo-gambo sekitar event tersebut.....

 Our Loyal Donor & Supporters, Mr & Mrs Tan
The earliest too.... Thank you

 Our volunteers busy at registration counter.
Also promoting 'Organ Donation Pledge'
Some of the students helping us at registration counter.
Learning to promote 'Organ Donation Pledge'

 Ramai rakyat Malaysia yang prihatin..
Katil memang penuh selalu..
 Lovely couple... supporting each other...

 Kakak busy packing 'goodies' to donors

 Our youngest volunteer
 With Students and Teachers - PBSM MRSM Pontian
 Our volunteers with Blood Team from Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor (Saturday)
Our volunteers with Blood Team from Hospital Pontian, Johor (Sunday)

Sangat seronok and berpuas hati with event kali ini....

Hope next year lebih ramai volunteers dari ANSARA boleh join....

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